A resource for faith communities to support people experiencing dementia
Faith in Older People (FiOP) is delighted that you have opened this learning resource and we are excited that you and your faith community want to explore, develop, and take action to respond better to people with memory, disorientation, and confusion problems.
This learning resource is an introduction to dementia. It aims to help clarify the range of language and terminology used, provides some key facts, and signposts useful resources. It will help you to identify some key areas or issues for your faith community to work on.
We invite you to consider if people feel welcomed not ignored, included rather than excluded, valued, and respected rather than regarded as a nuisance or embarrassment? Is the building easy to get around and are the toilets easy to find and accessible? In the resource we highlight questions to be considered and make suggestions how they might be addressed.
FiOP wants to affirm the action you might already have taken and to encourage you to take a further step.
This resource is being further developed as we respond to questions, identified need and better reflect the needs of people experiencing dementia.
FiOP thanks the working group which developed the resource: We would like to thank Professor Faith Gibson, Jenny Henderson, Professor Mary Marshall and Lesley Greenaway who wrote and edited the text, andSandra Carter, Rev Sue Kirkbride, Chris Levison, James McKillop, Iain Stewart who provided invaluable comments and suggestions
Included is our handy quiz on how dementia friendly is your faith community.
Please enter your email address to download your free copy today: