Spiritual Care Matters is a series of courses relevant for care assistants, health care workers, home care visitors, activity coordinator, members of the catering or administrative staff or anyone with a role to support older people. The course works particularly well for a small group of staff working together and is a useful addition for staff induction or refreshing existing staff skills.

What’s involved?
The courses are made up of 5 x 30 minute ‘lessons’ that you receive in a daily email. Each ‘lesson’ consists of a short Audio Podcast (this is a mini broadcast), a practical task and some questions to help you reflect on your learning.
You can access the course through a laptop, computer, tablet, smart phone or a combination which works best for you. You will need an internet connection to receive the daily emails and to access the course materials.
How does the GROUP model for Spiritual Care Matters work?
The group model involves having a ‘go-to’ person (probably you) as the main contact for the course. Their role is to facilitate a small group of 2+ staff through the course. The ‘go-to’ person can:
– forward the daily emails to the group;
– resolve any problems;
– bring the group together for sharing and discussion;
– support the course tasks;
– ensure that there is no risk to older people, and,
– sign-off individuals’ learning so they can get their Open Badge.
The ‘go-to’ person is likely to be in a co-ordinating role such as trainer, supervisor, mentor, manager, chaplain etc.
“… liked the Daily 30-minute lesson – realistic, achievable and flexible.”
Head of Care
“Loved the relaxed approach”
Church Leader
How do I sign-up for the course?
To sign-up your group, simply enter your name as the ‘go-to’ person, your role and the organisation. Provide us with a current email address for receiving the daily course emails. Also, let us know which course you’re interested in. You can forward the emails on to the learners in your group at a time that suits you and the group. Click on the submit button and we will do the rest. Look out for your course ‘Welcome’ email.
Top tips:
1. Keep in touch with the learners in your group to keep up the learning momentum.
2. Sort out any problems as early as possible such as bouncing emails.
3. Ensure that learners completing the course are signed off to receive their Open Badge.