Spiritual Care Matters 2 – Looking after your own spiritual well-being is designed to enable frontline staff in care homes, home care staff, health care workers and volunteers who support the needs of older people to look after their own spiritual well-being.
The course complements Spiritual Care Matters – Supporting the spiritual needs of older people. It has been developed by Faith in Older People. I am Lesley Greenaway and along with Colin Gray we will be sending you the course materials each day by email.
What will I learn about?
The course explores the importance of looking after yourself and identifies ways of coping and getting support in emotionally demanding situations. By the end of the course we think you will know why it is important to take care of your spiritual well-being; identify different ways to cope and know how to get the support you need.
How does the course work?
Over the next 5 days you’ll receive an email each day. Each email is a lesson containing some content and a short Audio Podcast (this is a mini broadcast). Each day’s lesson includes an activity and some questions to help you reflect on your learning.
How much time will it take?
Overall, you can expect to spend about 30 minutes each day on the course. You should see the course activities as part of your daily work routine.
Will I need any support for the course?
It is a good idea to identify someone who can support you through the course such as a supervisor or mentor. This is your ‘go-to’ person. We would encourage you to keep in touch with them, especially if you have any questions or are not sure about anything. You can also use your learning from the course to gain an Open Badge towards your continuing professional development.
What do I need for the course?
You can access the course through a laptop, computer, tablet, smart phone or a combination which works best for you. You do need an internet connection to receive the daily emails and to access the course podcasts.
Ok, enough talk, time to start the course. Look out for the first lesson which should arrive tomorrow morning and if you don’t spot it, check in your spam – you never know where it might end up.
Thanks again for learning with FiOP, and talk to you soon.