For well over a hundred years, radio has played an important part in international, national and private lives journaling every part of our history. From a personal point of view the radio has become the friend in the corner who is always there! The BBC has been there to inform, encourage and support during times of crisis, seen vividly during World War II. The wireless was a focal point for family life drawing everyone around to hear important announcements form royalty and the government.
In recent years radio has taken on a new life. It had been thought with the development of digital platforms radio listenership would decline. However, in Ofcom’s recent publication, radio has maintained its numbers and in fact has increased community listeners due to the advent of local radio meeting the needs of the community.
Around 15 years ago a number of local community radio stations were established to allow linkage across the UK with local government funding. In Scotland there are now approximately 30 community radio stations who are keen to provide that local intimate relationship within small communities. They are willing to draw in interested people who want to become involved in running their own programmes either live or pre-recorded.
You can find your own local radio station by checking online or through the Ofcom website.
Within the local Midlothian and South Edinburgh area, Black Diamond 107.8 FM was established in 2007 and since then it has broadcast 24/7 to the community and also to a worldwide audience online. My particular involvement has been working with a passionate and committed team to produce a weekly ‘Faith spot’ called ‘Heart of the Matter’ which brings to the air those from the Christian tradition. You can hear some of the past programmes at where you can also meet the team and email me if you want a particular programme sent to you in MP3 format.
Its format is in magazine style with interviews, music and a thought for the week with other interesting material for the listener. The main programme is broadcast through Black Diamond on Sunday mornings from 7am – 10am.
Black Diamond 107.8 FM; Crystal FM; Alive FM are all delivered online. Heart of the Matter links with other internet stations including Heartsong Live and Gospel4Grampian. More recently the Board has asked if a church service could be added to the schedule and these have been sourced from around Scotland.
If you wish to find out more you can contact me at
David Aird
Black Diamond 107.8 FM Presenter
April 2020