A key principle in FiOP is collaborative working. As the organisation is very small, we put great importance on working in partnership with individuals and organisations that bring expertise and knowledge to the work we undertake. This means that we can extend our capacity, experience and expertise without greatly expanding the core organisation. We value the mutual benefit of partnership-working which encompasses both faith and secular needs.
We work extensively with faith communities to consider the impact and challenges posed by an increasing older population. Our aim is to build confidence in those that minister and provide pastoral care about issues around dementia and other long- term conditions so that they can adjust their care and support. This also takes into consideration different ways of worshipping and involving older people in the life of the faith community.
Retaining community connections is a critical issue whether they are of a faith, interest or friendship basis. We work with care homes to increase an understanding of the spiritual dimension and to encourage continued contact with those who have supported the meaning and purpose in a resident’s life.
The evidence of the positive impact of spiritual care on health related issues is increasing. FiOP works closely with the NHS Spiritual Care Teams to highlight the needs of older people within the health sector.
The Scottish Government plays an important role in providing the policy context in which FiOP works. This encompasses spiritual care, palliative care, loneliness and isolation, older people and ageing.
We have built and will continue to build strong working relationships with voluntary sector organisations, universities, colleges and research institutions to develop our work.
Our work encompasses an international perspective and these links continue to develop.
Who supports FiOP financially?
FiOP is very grateful to all those who provide financial support. We have received grants from trusts and Government and donations from individuals. In addition, we raise money through the courses and events that we organise. Every penny counts incontinuing to build the capacity and efficiency of the organisation.