Reception in the Scottish Parliament 9th June 2015
Richard Baker MSP and Sandra White MSP, Convenor of the Cross Party Group on Age and Ageing, kindly hosted a reception for Faith in Older People (FiOP) to acknowledge and support the work undertaken by faith communities in support of older people. This friendly event highlighted the range of work that is being undertaken across Scotland which had been highlighted in a major survey undertaken by FiOP with the support of the Joint Improvement Team.
There was a strong emphasis on celebrating the lives of older people and their contribution to supporting other older people in the community. The activities embraced bringing people together in churches, synagogues and mosques to continue worship; providing community activities that enabled people to feel connected; visiting at home wherever this might be and continued friendship.
Continuing a social life or receiving care in dementia clubs were all part of the spectrum.
‘Meaning and purpose’ is fundamental to our lives and the opportunities offered by faith communities to people who live in the local community are part of an inclusive and sharing approach.
The evening offered the chance to bring together people who have contributed enormously to the work of FiOP by bringing their expertise on specific issues and working collaboratively to highlight issues of importance which contribute to delivering good person centred care and clearly acknowledge a person as an individual.
Maureen O’Neill
Photograph from left to right: Richard Baker MSP, Maureen O’Neill Director FIOP, Sandra White MSP, Bruce Cameron Chair FIOP